Ever Praise Music

and the Joyful Harts Music Library

Spiritual Food for Thought: Topic 14
"Sold Out"
(This topic is related to topic 13)
The larger society doesn't always want to think about people who have made mistakes.
We choose and elevate people who have good records of accomplishments and
achievements, but, we also require that their records are not tarnished by past mistakes.
We miss out on the contributions of individuals with great potential and great gifts.
We lose their contributions because the populous values “peace of mind.”
Many of us value peace of mind, but there is something more going on here.

What is really going on in the realm of right, wrong, and who is in charge?
A contingent of our social schema argues that they should decide 
who is worthy and who is not.

What is this?

It is the voice of Power, Authority, and Pride. 
People in this frame of mind want to be in positions of power and authority
to determine who should lead and who should not. They want to be in control.
It is that simple - control.
They want to pass out positions, perks, and consequences.
This is just the "pride of man" trying to do the work of God.

African Americans are acutely aware of this practice. Such individuals were the connecting link in the Triangle of Trade.
They were the African brothers who provided the intelligence on how to best trap and steal

their own brothers and sisters, and sell them into slavery.
Sometimes they even did the trapping. Why? They wanted the power and authority even at the expense of their own people.
 I suppose that they felt that they wanted to be on the "giving end" of the pain and not on the receiving end.
It is hard to look your own brother or sister in the eye and know that they sold you out for their own benefit.
African Americans had to do this then, and they have to do this now. 

Christians of all races and generations also have to do this every day.
We live in a society that constantly tries to throw us under the bus for this cause and for that cause.
But we, as Christians, know the end to the story.
All of this “selling out” is for the power, authority, pride, and the financial gain of the moment. Christians know that it is all temporary.

We know that only what we do for Christ will last. (.) Yes, we as Christians have often been sold out
like the people of poor neighborhoods have been sold out over drugs, racketeering, and even for gentrification.
As Christians we suffer many of these things to be so because we are "souled out" for Jesus Christ.
For us, this is the only "sale" that matters. We are redeemed  - that is bought with a price for the Kingdom of God.
Jesus, by His life, death, and resurrection, gave us the gift of salvation. For us, salvation is free. 

Therefore, we are free indeed.

Related Scriptures:

Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Proverbs 3
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

View Topic 15
"Putting it All Together: Navigating Law and Order in Real Time"